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Modern Yarn

I love hats. Love them. One of my favorite styles is a simple cap with a short curved brim – it keeps the sun out of your eyes, gives you a little attitude, and looks great even on people who usually won’t wear knit hats. The pattern is written for a large range of sizes, so you can make them for kids and men as well.

Couvercle (“lid” in French) is a simple knit hat with the addition of a crocheted brim for maximum sass. The thick-and-thin cotton yarn, worked in double moss stitch, gives the hat a textured, almost woven look. Single crochet is used to create a firm bottom edge and a saucy brim that is structured but still soft. This is a great opportunity to try a little crochet if you haven’t yet.

This yarn is spun to have some bounce and memory, but if you would like a snug-fitting hat, choose a size that is an inch or two smaller than your head.  The purple hat is shown with -1" of ease and the fuschia hat is shown with .5" of ease for a looser fit.

model: Kira Dulaney photos: Rachel Dulaney


Child S [Child L, Adult S, Adult M, Adult L] (shown in size Adult S in purple, Adult M in burgundy)


Circumference: 17[18.75, 20.5, 22.25, 24] inches


Araucania Nature Cotton [100% cotton; 105yd/100m per 100g skein]; color: #25 Burgundy or #30 Purple; 1[1, 1, 1, 2] skeins

needle size:
1 set US #9/5.5mm double-point needles
1 16-inch US #9/5.5mm circular needle
1 US G/6 / 4mm crochet hook

[always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below -- every knitter's gauge is unique]

Stitch marker
Tapestry needle


14 sts/22 rows = 4 inches in Double Moss Stitch, after blocking
14 sts = 4 inches in single crochet

Note: For this project, the yarn is knit at a slightly tighter gauge than recommended on the ball band. If substituting yarn, choose a yarn with a recommended ball band gauge of 13 sts = 4 inches.


[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here]

Double Moss Stitch (Worked in the round over an even number of sts):
Rounds 1-2: [P1, k1] to end.
Rounds 3-4: [K1, p1] to end.
Repeat Rounds 1-4 for pattern.

Sc: single crochet
Sl st: slip stitch
Instructions for these basic crochet stitches can be found here.


Using circular needle, loosely CO 60[66, 72, 78, 84] sts. Place marker and join to begin working in the round, begin careful not to twist.

Work in Double Moss Stitch until work measures 3.5[4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5] inches, ending with Round 4 of pattern.

Note: This hat will be slightly shorter at this point than an average knit hat, to accommodate the crocheted border that will be worked later.

Shape Crown:
When shaping crown, switch to double-point needles when necessary.

Round 1: [P1, k1, p1, k1, k2tog] to end. 50[55, 60, 65, 70] sts.
Round 2: [P1, k1, p1, k2] to end.
Round 3: [K1, p1, k1, p2tog] to end. 40[44, 48, 52, 56] sts.
Round 4: [K1, p1] to end.
Round 5: [P1, k1, p2tog] to end. 30[33, 36, 39, 42] sts.
Round 6: [P1, k1, p1] to end.
Round 7: [K1, p2tog] to end. 20[22, 24, 26, 28] sts.
Round 8: [K1, p1] to end.
Round 9: [K2tog, p2tog] to end. 10[11, 12, 13, 14] sts.
Round 10: [K1, p1] to end.

Sizes Child S, Child L, Adult L Only:
Round 11: [K2tog, p2tog] 2[2, -, -, 3] times, k2tog, p0[1, -, -, 0]. 5[6, -, -, 7] sts.

Sizes Adult S, Adult M, Only:
Round 11: [K2tog, p2tog] 3 times, k-[-, 0, 1, -]. -[-, 6, 7, -, ] sts.

All Sizes:
Cut yarn, leaving a 5 inch tail. Thread tail on tapestry needle and draw tail through remaining sts, beginning with first st on left needle. Pull tight, and draw tail to inside of hat.

Crocheted Edging
Join yarn at beginning of CO round. Work 1 round sc, working 1 sc into each CO st. Work 1 more round sc, working 1 sc into each sc of the previous round. Sl st in next st, cut yarn and draw through last st.

Using 2 strands of yarn held together and with RS facing, skip first 19[22, 22, 25, 25] sts; join yarn in next st.

Row 1 [RS]: Sl st in next 2 sts, [sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st] 2[2, 3, 3, 4] times, sc in next 5 sts, sl st in next 2 sts. 21[21, 27, 27, 33] sts. Turn work.

Row 2 [WS]: Ch 1 (counts as first st), skip first sl st, sl st in next sl st, sc in each sc and sl st to end of brim, sl st in next 2 sc of hat edging. 23[23, 29, 29, 35] sts. Turn work.

Row 3 [RS]: Work as for Row 2. 25[25, 31, 31, 37] sts. Break yarn, draw through last st and pull tight.


Weave in ends. If desired, steam block brim over a pressing ham or curved surface.


Kira lives in Oakland, California, where she knits, crochets, sews, and throws way too many dinner parties.  By day she is the store manager of Artfibers in San Francisco.

See her other designs at