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Pink Needles
earth faire
spacer model: Rosemary Hill spacer photos: Rosemary Hill, Clint Holeman


I love fall. It is my absolute favorite time of year. The sky is crisp bright blue, the fields have turned brilliant golden and orangey-red, and the leaves are shimmering red and orange and gold on the trees and in the vineyards. Around this time, a childhood favorite, the song "America the Beautiful," is always on my mind, especially those "amber waves of grain."

This generously sized scarf was designed as a homage to this lovely time of year. Made of hand dyed laceweight alpaca in subtly shifting shades of gold and amber, the furrowed rows of grain in the body of the scarf end in long heads of barley.

This is a great first project to familiarize yourself with laceweight yarn and beads. Two identical halves with beaded ends are knitted and then grafted together in the middle. Although the ends will probably require more attention, the middle portion is a two-row repeat that can be memorized very quickly. The end result is much more impressive looking than it is difficult to knit: another one of my favorite things!

Measurements taken after blocking.
Width: 12 inches
Length: 68 inches
spacer Royale Hare, Designer Series: Designs by Romi hand-dyed alpaca lace [100% superfine alpaca; 620yd/567m per 2oz hank]; color: Moravian Barley; 1 hank

Recommended needle size:
spacer 1 set US #7/4.5mm straight needles
spacer 1 set US #5/3.75mm straight needles
[always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below -- every knitter's gauge is unique]

spacer Crochet hook or fine gauge wire small enough to fit through holes in beads
Note: See Pattern Notes re. Placing Beads before buying the crochet hook or wire.

spacer 112 size 6/0 foil lined seed beads; color: Dark Amber
spacer Smooth waste yarn
spacer Long stitch holder or spare straight or circular needle, US #5/3.75mm or smaller
spacer Sewing needle
24 sts/32rows = 4 inches in Lace pattern using smaller needles, measured AFTER BLOCKING
Note: Gauge given is approximate; correct gauge is not critical for this project. Wash and finger block your lace swatch before measuring gauge.
[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here].


Larger needles are used to provide a stretchy CO edge for the lace.

Placing Beads:
Beads are not pre-strung, but are added as the scarf is knitted.
As shown, wrap uses beads which have holes large enough to accommodate a very small crochet hook. If you use beads with similarly large holes, beads may be placed using the technique detailed here. Scroll down to “Hooking beads as you go”.

If you use beads which are too small to placed using a crochet hook, they may be placed using the technique shown here.

Directions for the Knitted Cast On method (“knitting on”) can be found here.

S2KP: Slip next 2 sts together, knitwise, as if to work a k2tog. Knit next st through back loop, then pass both slipped sts over st just knit. This forms a centered double decrease.

SK2P: Slip 1 knitwise, k2tog, pass slipped st over. 2 sts decreased.

A unique method of grafting is used for this project. After each half of the scarf is worked, 1 row is worked using waste yarn. When the halves are grafted together, the grafting yarn follows the path of the waste yarn, then the waste yarn is removed. A tutorial for this technique may be found here.

Information about blocking can be found here and here.




Using larger needles and Knitted Cast On method, CO 71 sts.

Using smaller needles, work Rows 1-46 of Chart A. Note that in Row 1 of chart, number of sts is increased from 71 to 73. Outlined Pattern Repeat section is worked 5 times in each row.

Work Rows 1-17 of Chart B, then work Rows 16-17 of Chart B 74 times more, or until wrap is half of desired length, ending with a RS row.

Break yarn, leaving a tail at least 40 inches long. Using waste yarn, work 1 WS row in pattern (see Pattern Notes re. grafting).
Place all sts on st holder or spare needle.

Make a second half in the same way. When breaking yarn, leave a shorter tail, to be woven in when grafting is complete.


Graft halves of scarf together (see Pattern Notes re. grafting).

Weave in ends.

Block shawl
(see linked articles re. blocking).

Rosemary (aka Romi) lives with three wonderful men in wine country. A graphic designer and illustrator, she became a purveyor of shawl, scarf and sweater pins in 2005 when she launched Designs by Romi, and since then it's been taking up most of her time. Four of her designs have appeared previously in Knitty, and her book for Interweave Press on knit and crocheted jewelry is due in November. She's just happy to be mixing work with play! Her designer colorway of yarn featured in this pattern is available here.

Drop by her blog to see what she's up to these days!