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Pink Needles
Blue Moon Fiber Arts
Title Beauty
spacer model:Sabine Riefler spacer photos:Michael Riefler


“Porcupine? Oh no, this delightful pattern cannot possibly be called Porcupine!” Anne Shirley, better known as Anne of Green Gables, would have said. In honor of this literary heroine and her magic fantasy, this scarf bears her name.

The colors are not only reminiscent of "Green Gables", but would also have been quite stunning with Anne's auburn hair.

The pattern is from Barbara Walker's Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns. However, rows have been rearranged and expanded for the two-colored variety and a chart was added. The stitch pattern is Mid-Victorian and reversible, which makes it particularly suited for a scarf. Anne, who appreciated fine clothes, would have loved this scarf.

For a more Shibori kind of look, leave the scarf unblocked [see picture in FINISHING section].

Width: 8 inches (unblocked); 13.5 inches (blocked)
Length: 69 inches (unblocked); 77.5 inches (blocked)
spacer [MC] Blue Moon Socks That Rock Mediumweight [100% Superwash Merino; approx. 380yd/347m per 5.5oz/155g skein]; color: Jade; 1 skein
spacer [CC] Blue Moon Socks That Rock Lightweight [100% Superwash Merino; approx. 360yd/320m per 4.5oz/120g skein]; color: Beryl; 1 skein

Recommended needle size:
spacer 1 US #6/4 mm circular needle or set of straight needles
[always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below -- every knitter's gauge is unique]

spacer Tapestry needle
25 sts/36 rows = 4 inches in Porcupine Pattern, unblocked
[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here].

SK2P: Slip 1 knitwise, k2tog, pass slipped st over. 2 sts decreased.

Porcupine Pattern (Worked over a multiple of 12 sts + 10):
Row 1 [RS]: K5, [p3tog, p4, yo, p1, yo, p4] to last 5 sts, k5.
Row 2 [WS]: K5, [SK2P, k4, yo, k1, yo, k4] to last 5 sts, k5.
Row 3 [RS]: Work as for Row 1.
Row 4 [WS]: K5, [yo, k2tog] to last 5 sts, k5.
Row 5 [RS]: K5, p to last 5 sts, k5.
Row 6 [WS]: K all sts.
Row 7 [RS]: K5, p to last 5 sts, k5.
Row 8 [WS]: Work as for Row 2.
Row 9 [RS]: Work as for Row 1.
Rows 10-18: Work as for Rows 1-9, EXCEPT RS rows are now WS row, and vice-versa.
Repeat Rows 1-18 for Porcupine Pattern.


Information about blocking can be found here.

Using MC, CO 70 sts.
K 5 rows.

Work Rows 4-9 of Porcupine Pattern. Break yarn.

Using CC, work Rows 10-18 of Porcupine Pattern. Break yarn.

Using MC, work Rows 1-9 of Porcupine Pattern. Break yarn.

Using CC, work Rows 10-18 of Porcupine Pattern. Break yarn.

Repeat these 18 rows 52 times more, or until scarf is desired length.

K 5 rows using CC.

BO Row: P2tog, [sl st from right needle back to left needle, insert right needle into this st and following st, p2tog] until all sts have been bound off.

Weave in ends. Block if desired, following directions in linked article (see Pattern Notes, above).

Scarf at right is unblocked.

SaRi has been a knitter for a long time and is still very excited about knitting and designing.

Her musings on knitting can be read on her blog.